Synkron is an application that synchronizes your folders. It has some advanced features, which allow for a fine-tune configuration of all the tasks you ask it to do.
This program algorithm is based solely on the files date. It checks whether there are new files or deleted files, and allows the user to replicate those changes. This synchronization can be made in several directories at the same time, allowing, for instance, maintaining two or three copies of the same files in different places. Advanced options allow for the exclusion of subfolders or files, in all synchronizations tasks or just one. You can create a general filter to select which files to synchronize, and schedule periodic copies.
All these options make the program a very flexible application. On the downside, Synkron lacks an advanced graphic interface, meaning that many of the options are configured without the expected visual support. For instance, if you want to exclude a subfolder, you will have to select that subfolder from a complete tree of your hard disk, after selecting advanced options, and then the blacklist option. It would be expected that, after identifying the folder one wants to synchronize, most advanced options could be selected in a tree view of the folders structure. One other example that clearly reflects this aspect is that there is no information to the user when the program is working, for example, in the form of a progress bar or just a simple text message.
One interesting possibility of this kind of applications, which one can explore with Synkron, is to do a backup. After all, a backup is just a synchronized copy of important files. With the option “Multisync” you can even choose several folders to be copied to one general backup place.
There were some minor improvements in version 1.6, specifically some advanced folders options were added. The Finnish translation is also new.